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Based on the Bible
From the Old Testament era to ancient Rome to the Dark Ages--from crusader castles to frontier settlements to Federal era ships, these books run the gamut of Western history. Tale after tale of adventure brings these various historical epochs to life again with inspiring and unforgettable characters. |
Ages 14 and up
The Spear
A Novel of the Crucifixion
by Louis de Wohl
Called "exceptionally powerful," by the Chicago Sun-Times when it was first released in 1955, and "a magnificent novel," by the Boston Herald, this panoramic novel of the last days of Christ ranges from the palaces of imperial Rome to the strife-torn hills of Judea. Here the conflict of love and betrayal, revenge and redemption, reaches a mighty climax in the drama of the Crucifixion. The Spear is the full story of the world's most dramatic execution, as it affected one of its least-known participants--the man who hurled his spear into Christ on the Cross. Among his many successful historical novels, Louis de Wohl considered The Spear the magnum opus of his literary career.
Paperback ~ 400 pp. ~ $17.95 with 5% discount, $17.05 |

Ages 10 and up
Victory on the Walls
A Story of Nehemiah
by Frieda Clark Hyman
Young Thirteen-year-old Bani, though born in Jerusalem, has lived from infancy with his uncle in beautiful Susa, the city of the Persian King Artaxerxes. Now, his Uncle Nehemiah wants to leave his position of high honor as Cupbearer to the King to return to Jerusalem, a city in ruins and beset by every kind of trouble. Nehemiah's request of the king, permission to return to help his own people, could easily be misconstrued as treasonous scheming. Seen through the eyes of Bani, this novel dramatizes a turning-point of history, in 445 BC, when--through confrontation and daring risks--Judaism was re-established in the Promised Land, and purified for her unfolding mission.
Paperback ~ 200 pp. ~ $12.95 with 5% discount, $12.30 |

Ages 10 and up
God King
A Story in the Days of King Hezekiah
by Joanne Williamson
This never-before published tale carries the reader back to Ancient Egypt and to the biblical Jerusalem. Around 701 B.C. Egypt is being ruled by the Kushite dynasty. Young Prince Taharka, a very minor royal son, succeeds unexpectedly to the throne of Kush and Egypt—a “divine” rulership. He begins to find his way...until a treacherous plot pushes him into sudden exile and into the hands of Amos, an emissary of King Hezekiah seeking help for Judea from the Egyptians against the Assyrians. Far from home, near Jerusalem, and found out in his disguise as a medical assistant, Taharka encounters two kings in conflict. One is the mighty Assyrian, Sennacherib, promising alliance; the other is Hezekiah, the Jew who trusts in Yahweh. Taharka must choose with whom to live or die.
Paperback ~ 211 pp. ~ $13.95 with 5% discount, $13.25 |

Ages 14 and up
Hittite Warrior
by Joanne Williamson
Uriah Tarhund's Hittite home is destroyed by the invading Greeks. His dying father tells him to go south and seek a Caananite named Sisera. Uriah sets out and is plunged into the tumult of an uneasy Judea. When he finds Sisera, he is joins him in a war. The Caananites are defeated, but Uriah is able to make peace with himself, the Hebrews, and their God.
Paperback ~ 264 pp. ~ $13.95 with 5% discount, $13.25 |

Ages 8 and up
King David and His Songs
A Story of the Psalms
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt
"They've sent a mere boy to fight against me!" roared the giant Goliath, as he caught sight of David across the valley. "Am I just a dog?"
David looked at the nine-foot giant. "You come to me with a sword and with a spear," he called out fearlessly. "But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, which you have defied!"
The giant bared his teeth. "You say this--to me?"
Things did not look good for David, yet wasn't the Lord on his side? This book describes what happened next, plus the many other great events in the life of this shepherd boy who became a warrior, a hero, a fugitive, a king, and the ancestor of Our Lord.
Paperback ~ 142 pp. ~ $11.95 with 5% discount, $11.35 |
