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Fairy Tale, Fantasy & Science Fiction
Fantastic realms of the imagination beckon. The expanse of space holds adventures and discoveries as numerous as the stars. Eternal truths are revealed in wondrous tales simple enough for a child to grasp. The genres of fantasy and science fiction flourished (and degenerated) during the past century, but have their roots in the classic tales that fill the Western canon. These small press books attempt to revive the traditional mix of great imaginative literature with Christian morality. |
Ages 9 and up
Martha and Chip
by Katharine Sohler
"What a fabulous and fun fantasy adventure for young readers ages 9 through 12....Katharine Sohler is definitely a young writer and artist to keep your eye on!"
–The Children and Teens Book Connection
Something strange is happening in the peaceful kingdom of Crabbapple. All the White Magi have been captured by the evil witch Aylis and it's up to Martha to save them. But she won't be able to do it herself. To rescue her friends, Martha will need help. But sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places.
Suitable for young readers, age 9 through 12, Martha and Chip is a fun-filled adventure that shows that even the most humble creatures among us have important gifts to give.
Paperback ~ 120 pp. + 20 b&w illus. ~ 12.95 with 10% discount, $11.66 |

Ages 12 and up
Tale of Manaeth
by Phillip D. Campbell, III
The arrogant king Belthazre of Maruda oppresses the people of the smaller neighboring state of Asylia. When Belthazre demands the beautiful daughter of the Asylian king Ioclus, for no reason other than to provoke his envious wife, Queen Narussa, the Asylians are forced to decide whether to knuckle-under or to fight. Once the fateful decision is made to fight, it is soon up to young Maneath--also called Manissa--the daughter of Ioclus, to rally the Asylians against the invading Marudans. But how can she, a mere girl, defeat a powerful enemy with only a handful of stalwart men, starving and outnumbered?
The Tale of Manaeth is an engaging tale written in the style of the ancient epics. Full of action and adventure, Tale of Manaeth is an enjoyable read sure to be appreciated by young and old alike.
Paperback ~ 156 pp. + 4 b&w illus. ~ 13.95 with 5% discount, $13.25 |

Ages 12 and up
Niamh and the Hermit
A Fairy Tale
by Emily C. A. Snyder
"Niamh and the Hermit a beautifully written, morally sound, thoughtful, compelling and entertaining book. Emily Snyder ... has created the world of the 'Twelve Kingdoms', shadowed in Celtic mythology, but guided by Christian morals and traditions, in which to novelize one of the world's great fairy tales. It's difficult to do justice to this sort of book after only one reading, but I was very impressed with the beautiful writing, rich vocabulary, subtleties of humor and truth and the thoughtful lessons, characters and trials that make up the plot."
–Alicia van Hecke for Favorite Resources for Catholic Homeschoolers
Paperback ~ 288 pp. ~ 14.95 with 10% discount, $13.46 |

Ages 12 and up
Charming the Moon
by Emily C. A. Snyder
Emily Snyder's mythical world of the Twelve Kingdoms, introduced in the full-length novel Niamh and the Hermit, is brought to life again in Chaming the Moon. This little tome contains a pair of short stories which elaborate upon the ancient history of the Twelve Kingdoms. In the first tale, Brigglekin the Dwarf is called upon to free a beautiful girl trapped within a silver sphere. Once she is in his possession, however, he is unable to liberate this precious treasure and watches as she slowly wastes away within her protecting globe. Östrung the Giant tells the tale of the pining young Sun who longed to be reunited with his love the Moon, enlisting the help of a kindly giant to carry him to the very western edge of the world.
Paperback ~ 72 pp. ~ $9.95 with 20% discount, $8.96 |

Ages 10 and up
Warriors of the Light
Part II of the Starman Saga
by Michael D. Cooper
In this second volume of the Starman saga, the Starmen choose to confront the evil of their time. Their adventures take them into the rings of Saturn where a secret had been concealed more than twelve millenia earlier, across the galaxy to a neon planet, and eventually to their enemy's home planet in a star cluster so bright that night cannot exist. Without knowing what the challenge will cost, they nonetheless set out with dedication and courage to bring the series to its stunning climax. This compilation volume includes the second half of the fifth novel (The Lost Race of Mars) as well as the entirety of the sixth, seventh and eighth novels (Doomsday Horizon, The Heart of Danger, and The Last Command). This volume also includes three short stories, a glossary, illustrations, and appendices.
Paperback ~ 477 pp. ~ ~ $34.95 with 5% discount, $33.20 |
