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Reviews of our Books

Maureen Wittmann's review of Belisarius: The First Shall Be Last

Unionvale Homeschool review of Belisarius: The First Shall Be Last

Eclectic Homeschool's review of Crown of the World: Knight of the Temple

Day by Day in Our World's review of Leave If You Can

Saint Austin Review's review of Crown of the World: Knight of the Temple

Tween Book Review's review of Martha and Chip's review of Belisarius: The First Shall Be Last's Review of Angels in Iron

Press Releases

Centurion's Daughter -- A Dazzling Catholic Tale of the Empire's Fall

Belisarius Revives the Glory of the Romans in New Catholic Novel

The Lot Falls and One is Chosen

19 year-old Novelist Rehabs Rats' Reputation

New Catholic novel, Knight of the Temple, is a ‘rip-roaring success’.”

Kerebos—“Is Any Man as Evil or as Great as Rumor Makes Him?”

"Behold, I Make All Things New" — A Forgotten Catholic Poet is Rediscovered

Belisarius: The Greatest Roman General Rides Again

When Jihad Threatened, A Handful of Catholic Men Stood Firm

Christians seeking fantasy alternative to Harry Potter


Justin Swanton, author of Centurion's Daughter

Nathan Sadasivan, author of Crown of the World—Knight of the Temple


Men of Letters (Bucks County Courier Times, 7/22/03)

Publisher Hopes to Restore Traditional Values by 'Reclaiming' Literature (National Catholic Register, 9/14/03)